Friday, September 16, 2011

2nd Week of Fall 2011

Yeay, finally it's Friday! I'm glad!! My schedule was extremely packed with tonnes of activities throughout the week. I'M EXHAUSTED! Lack of sleep, irregular meal time, etc.

Tomorrow, there'll be an Eid celebration for MySA members. I can't wait for that! Raya for me!! 
But before that, I have to attend meeting for Archery Club members. 

Also, can't wait for Orientation Assistant Appreciation Event on Sunday! 

Busy weekend...have to practice for debate competition which is coming next week too...

Ganbatte to me!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome Fall 2011

Long time didn't write any post. I was really busy for a few weeks. A few days after I wrote the last post, I went to Pittsburgh, PA to see a friend who came from Japan. Then, on August 26th until September 4th, I was working as Transfer Orientation Assistant at RIT New Student Orientation. One of my working days fall on the first day of Eid. So, I didn't get to celebrate Eid since I was working. Starting last week, I had classes for the first week of Fall quarter classes. I have 6 classes this quarter. I'm extremely busy since I have lots of classes and working a lot too. I hope that I can balance my time.